"Trikonasana" Triangle Pose yoga of the day

The Journey of Yoga explains "Trikonasana" Yoga Pose

Yoga Pose: Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)
Equipment needed: Yoga mat
Target: Hips, Back straight,arms, flexibility.

 Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

Trikon Asana

Trikonasana is the combination of two Sanskrit words "Trikon" and "Asana",where "Trikon" means Triangle and "Asana" means Pose . 

This pose  stretches the muscles and improve the function of the body. In this posture body is stretches in such  a way that Triangle pose is formed.It stretches the legs and torso, mobilizes the hips and promotes deep breathing. 

Gradually, I started seeing a progress, all muscles in my body were engaged, Shoulder stretched,working my limbs,able to twisting my body. 

I juggled between maintaining posture, attempting to breathe right way. Your Yoga practice is a lifelong pursuit, giving you  plenty  of time to learn numbers of Postures.

As you progress,  you will love to take on more challenging pose.But being a beginner, it's good to keep things simple when you have just started out. 

Sticking to the regular practice of basic poses outlined here are valuable enough to keep you occupied for a long time.

To know more about the Yoga poses go Here

How to do it?

  • Stretch your right feet out, while keeping the leg closer to the torso.                                                                               
  •  Keep your feet apart, pressed against the ground and balance your feet equally on both feet.                               
  • Bend your right arm and touch  it to the ground while your left arm goes up.                                                                  
  • Try to keep your waist straight. Ensure your body is bend Straight, not to downwards.                                                  
  • Stretch your body as much  as you can and take a deep breathe. Repeat the same on the other side. 

  • It stretches legs and torso, mobilize the  hips and promotes deep  breathing.                                                            
  • It helps to develop control and strength in small muscles.                                                          
  • Reduce  blood pressure, stress and anxiety.                                                                              
  • Gives flexibility to groin,hips and hamstrings.                                                                           
  • It cures indigestion.

Why it is called "Trikonasana" (Triangle Pose)?

This Yoga Pose looks similar to Triangle pose as it forms triangle by crossing hands to the end of legs that create a triangle pose. 


If you have any kind of back pain, problem in knees and any injury that may effect your health avoid doing it.

If you feel comfortable and feel no risk then only you try.
Better advice to you is that first consult to doctor if you are going through any health disease and injury,

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