Life! what you think about life when it comes to your mind?
Much i know about life from my point of view is reflected as, Life is the phenomenon of living matter, birth, growth,emotion,feeling energy transformation, adult,and reproduction.Finding one's deeper meaning of life, likely to be different from what another think. we can begin to search for our personal identity in our personal truths,values,beliefs,action and what we hold most precious in our hearts. But as we all know,Our imagination allows us to become where dreams meet an inspiration. But as i think having an imagination is not the only way to go ahead, making yourself capable of doing also matters.
We discover our deeper meaning by living in the moment just by being yourself and by enjoying and truly relishing in the beauty of joy and gloriness of every blessed moment we create.
Being elocutionist is easy but is it really so easy to be happened something miracle in each and everyone's life. If not, then what is that which cease all of us to reach to meet the destination or to your goal?
The only term that stops everyone is "CHANGE"
The most drastic reality is "change". As time goes everything change everyone change. Changes may be both either HAPPY & SAD. You change when none of these two met you at right time or you can say you have never tried to reach out to what you wished for out of these two."HAPPy" because when your hard times are not going to last forever then condition change one day. And "SAD" because when your happy times are not going to last forever either then again it will change.
Life has different way to deal with you. If you can't find the way, make one"said Becka schoettle"
Life is beautiful when we met a right person throughout our journey. Life gives you many opportunity to you, but what you have grabbed or what you have let to be gone, it was totally your settlement. If you don't chase what you want,you will never have it. If you don't doubt or ask yourself then the answer will be always NO. Never pull yourself back, try to do something now that will make the person you will be tomorrow and then you will be proud for being the person you are today.
Life completes when you have been through the various stages
- Birth
- Growth with short-dream
- Love
- Emotion
- Passion
- Setting Long-term goal
- Travel around the World
- Experience
From the stage when you set foot in this wonderful world, you have no idea of the things happened in your surrounding.If not,You can relate it with yourself, As we stepped into the world, we become curious to see the world and to know everything. The moment when we see baby for the First-time that's the moment become celebration.But if we think, we can see how everything changes to that moment. Now the number of person changes in the family. Now one new generation has started to form.
Of course, short term goal should be accomplished within 12 months.based on the interest,intentions,behaviour and personality all together act in setting a goal. Goal can be either short or long but it should be accordingly, as you might know,till when you will be finishing your short term goal.So that as you finish your short-term goal,and immediately, you can bounce to the Long-term goal.This is why because most of us feel pesky at the younger age in deciding our goal because we are not much aware about our strength, capability and believes.One major benefit of having short term goal is that, you may gain the knowledge and experience towards your goal by adjusting your behaviour,thoughts in particular domain or field. Later it may not be easy to switch your career, but it will acknowledge you to take some appropriate goals related to the goal on which you are working at, as of now.
When our goals are strongly based on our interest and values, they are meaningful and there will be more possibility to prosper in your goal.
Before you switch to the long term goal think about short term goal you should firstly follow in aspects of life represents. some of the goal you should work upon before you switch to the next goal you have.
Personal Development Goals
As we know personal development has a huge impact on our personal as well as professional life.As it will the one of the goal which will be for long lasting goal which will last forever.Never stop working on yourself in any cost.Personality matters, if you have good personality it will take you to the another level,which involves your body language, behaviour,the way of living.
So start working on yourself just by focusing on these :
2.Why Should we need to set goals in life?
Each one of us have some goals.We know in what we are good at? what we love to do? what makes you happy? Based on some certain things you might decide what dream you should have.But setting a goal with clear vision will be beneficial for several ways in each stage of the life.Of course, short term goal should be accomplished within 12 months.based on the interest,intentions,behaviour and personality all together act in setting a goal. Goal can be either short or long but it should be accordingly, as you might know,till when you will be finishing your short term goal.So that as you finish your short-term goal,and immediately, you can bounce to the Long-term goal.This is why because most of us feel pesky at the younger age in deciding our goal because we are not much aware about our strength, capability and believes.One major benefit of having short term goal is that, you may gain the knowledge and experience towards your goal by adjusting your behaviour,thoughts in particular domain or field. Later it may not be easy to switch your career, but it will acknowledge you to take some appropriate goals related to the goal on which you are working at, as of now.
When our goals are strongly based on our interest and values, they are meaningful and there will be more possibility to prosper in your goal.
Before you switch to the long term goal think about short term goal you should firstly follow in aspects of life represents. some of the goal you should work upon before you switch to the next goal you have.
As we know personal development has a huge impact on our personal as well as professional life.As it will the one of the goal which will be for long lasting goal which will last forever.Never stop working on yourself in any cost.Personality matters, if you have good personality it will take you to the another level,which involves your body language, behaviour,the way of living.
So start working on yourself just by focusing on these :
- Search happiness in you
- Stay healthy
- Hang out with friends & family.
- Do a regular workout.
- Stay away from negativity.
- Carry a better outfit.
- Avoid conflict.
- Priorities yourself.
- Work on better communication.
- Manage your time.

As per my frame of reference, Love is complex set of feelings,emotion,behaviors,trust,beliefs associated with strong feelings of protectiveness,care,affection,warmth and respect for each other. Love is the emotion, not only related to the human beings, it may be with the animals, birds,species or Non-livings things as well.The emotion of love is same for both Living things well as for non-living things.Like if you are a pet lover, so may be you would have more attachment to them than any other.
Some people says, Love doesn't exist. But I don't believe in this fact. Love involves commitment,time,manual trust, respect, and acceptance.If these factors are balanced with your bond, then i can say there is love.
Love is something that is cultivated between two person and grows over time.Falling in love is easy but staying in love is not a cup of tea.People love the process of love,which leads to just a fling.might few of it get succeed in finding their loved once.
If a person truly love someone, they will be ready to do anything just to make him/her happy.

As we can see in this generation,Initially people get attached with each other as being a friend,as we started getting to know each other, it is fun,enjoy,good time pass in life.
But one stage comes when boy wanted to be his boyfriend intentionally with some plan in his mind , it may be for "Real" or be "Fake just for getting physical. The things has been seen that if boys ever proposed to a girl, most of the girl's answer would be"yes" because she always look for someone in her life who stand by her.But as soon as all the wishes and excitement is getting filled with time,everything between them started getting collapsed. Now the situation become worse day by day.then Girls start looking for the answer, the guy usually disappears to figure out his plan of attack for a week or two. That’s when a guy knows whether he is in love or if it was just lust. After that stage, if the guy has decided to go all in, that’s when he figures out that he is falling in love.
At this stage, the long term plan of relationship which was promised for staying lifetime now it turned to a game. As you can say relationship has become like" As long as girls feed him for what his wish for without paying any cost like,then everything is fine.As she stops doing the things for what he says,it will turn into an arguments and bickering..
Just like old adage"guys use love to get sex, and girls use sex to get love."as simple as that.
So this is time either you control yourself else situation will control you for forever.Think simply," we don't grow when things are easy,we grow as we face challenges."Will be continued In next Post.....
3. Emotion
Emotion is inner feelings of our soul.Life runs with emotion. If you know how to control your emotion during the situation then you are sufficient enough to have you anywhere you go.
You are being judged by the emotion you show to the world.Faking your emotion through life is believing that if people let you know the real you of this fakeness,they won't like you.Never try to keep showing your emotion for what is not inside you,you are just pretending to be for someone who you are not.
In this world which is being full of fake of emotion,will say something ,will do something,will show something,be a flower of someone's garden.
The most significant damage of human is being is disearning mind,You can think through the issue and respond through it the way you want,no matter what your instinct say. In this evolutionary development of life of this planet,this the most significant things that happened to ahuman being that you don't have to react on our instinct,though sometimes one may do so but sometimes we have a choice tht we have a cereble courtage that gives us disearning mind for no matter what your mind says you have to set focus or act conciously.
Never let your emotion goes to vain, Always think through the peacedul mind, and visualize your emotion for what is inside you.
Passion is something you are really interested and admirable towards the thing you love.When eo do what we love,, when we pursue our passion,when we ae fueled with purpose,then there are days where work will flow out. If you have set a passion inside you,then every morning you wake will be filled with exitement and joy.We should never expect from one person to fullfil our needs.
Don't get me wrong. I believe that our dreams are not random, as we all are inspired from sommeone from some activities or with unique talent, the ideas and thoughts they use to follow and we try to create with our passion and then, that passion into a dream to live the life we want.
Discomfort doesn't match up with the image that we hold,but it will create so much misconception towards yourself for what you are thinking for.Ironically, It's causing us to turn away from our true passion and purpose to face the familiarity of what we know.If something is holding you back,look at yourself and have a look into the mirror with deep breathe with all the problem that you have faced in your life till now and then discover your new versions of success.
Life willl make you to suffer with many circummstances throughout the life, the only thing you have to do is to accept and Change for what should not be.
5.Setting long-term goal
Design a goal
Setting a goal should not be set at a fluke moment.Before you are crafting a Goal,need tio remember that it should go till last that means it should be long lasting.No matter what you have set as goal of your life, adopt some best practice guidelines to make the whole journey through that goal with all positivity and full potential.Based on what you have looked so far,draw that objective to keep in your mind.
- Be realistic: Always try to maintain both,the goal you have designed and the work which you are going to contribute towards your goal. if you have possess sufficient work and sufficient time towards it,then the key is in your hand and you can access the way you want to let it to be act.
- The goal may be a minor or major, but a goal should be a positive,as you have approached to get it for so far.rather than setting negative designed goal that may effect your surrounding,work from certain negativity,avoid that negative goal which has certain negativity .Always set a positive target no matter in what area it is.
According to Kasser and Rayan (2001)
There are two types of Life Goals,and these relate to our well-being in different ways..
- Intrinsic Goal: Intrinsic Goals relate to the emotional intimacy, personal growth,and helping others. they are believed to be aligned with our needs as humans,reflecting our inherent desire for self-knowledge and more fulfilling relationships.
- Extrinsic Goals: Extrinsic goals are more culturally defined and less about our nature as human beings,encompassing things like our physical appearance,social standing,status symbols,and wealth.
- Researcher suggest that intrinsic life goals are related to greater happiness, self-actualization,vitality,and satisfaction with life, compared to extrinsic goal.
These satiesfy the needs that stem from being human,including our psychological and self-fulfillment goals might incllude:
- Having a love marriage or atrustingrelationship with your significant other;
- Discovering and keeping a healty work-life balance, with time or friends and famil;
- Living with integrity,being honest and being open and frank with others;
- Inspiring others through your beliefs and actions;
- Being a great listener so thato thers can turn to you;
- becoming an expert to your field and helping others;
Exrtrinsic Life goals
Extrinsic life goals are not necessariy ,material, but because they are generally 'wants' rather than human needs, they are easier to come up with. They require less self-reflection:
- Becoming a One night star;
- Becoming a Millionaire;
- Getting a big Promotion;
- Starring in a movie;
- Vising all around the world;
Every victory and achievement seem extra special when we truly rely on something with all
hard work and dedication. Such momemnts always etch aspecial place in people's heart.Beware of your action and reaction as well, this is the only keyword in the process of achieving your goal.If your action is all positive and accurate and everyone around you is loving it then obviously you may have well reaction too. Life is a ladder of stairs, if you know how to balance the base of ladder then you can never stop in goingg to the top of the life with your all confidence.
6.Travel all around the world
Normally, travelling all around the world is the dream of each and everyone's.I dont't know about you, but Yes i am very curious to travel and i hope you too.Just been for fun wanted to relax and enjoy the sun while seeing all the beauty the ocean has to offer and gaining an experince of all these will really make happy.
There are around more than 200 countries in the world and each one has its own specific reason of being adventure.Moving around the world offers plenty of adventure and relaxation opportunities for all kinds of travellers.
Where as i think everyone has one favorite country or place where they want to visit at any cost.
Travelling gives you a lot of experience. If you have not yet thought about it,please have a little thought towards travel.The journey of life is about having a fun,memories and great experience which will be with you along the whole life.As i know is that "Travel is good for soul".
7. Experience
Experience seems to have number of different meanings,hence the confusion Experience is nothing but the knowledge and skill that you have learned in particular job or sector by seeing, analysing,observing,and by working onto that.
What does the word "experience" mean in the different context? is it about the food we taste? is it about the place we visited? is it the way we are living? is it the lesson that we have learned through the life? Or is it the combination of all the elements?
basically,yes it is the combination of all the elements.what we do in our life is nothing but experience.
experience may be personal or professional as well.We can go so far as discussing about professional experience: The knowledge and skills we gather over time as we mature at professional level.
At last what matters is only experience. throughout the life we keep on fighting for everything, that we have dreamt for. the one who have had experienced the things is only appreciable.
At each stage of life experience plays most significant role.
I will give you a best example for experience,so it is like this.
Whereas i think, everyone is knowing the social platform known as tiktok. How its journey has been started and has changed the life because of experience.
There are two of Chinese friend named ALEX JHU & LUYU YANG . Both of them had created an application for the sharing a short educational related video of different subject only for 3 to 5 minutes which was not was very less time for the user as they liked to watch video but at the same time they need more content .So basically there was not much awareness about this app to the users.As both of them has invested their 6 months & 2.5 lakh for launching this app but it was not trending into the market.But after being unsuccessful by doing all this,they didn't quite.As you know who who are really focused towards their work or dream they never stop.In the same way,both of them didn't give up,they searched,learned and understand that what mistake they have done.Where they are lagging behind, the main reason was the very short timing of video.But still he was not satisfied.But people say"where there's a will there's a way".
Every person who dare to go ahead in life,they do mistakes and learn from it.And who scared to do mistakes they will never be succeeded in their life.One day ALEX JHU was travelling,he saw that how people are busy in taking videos,selfies and snapping pictures on different social platform.Then he got an idea of create an application where all these activity can be done all together in a few time so easily that user may like. He learned from his past work he did,he learned when he failed,he learned from this experience even after losing everything whatever he has invested in his work.He failed. Then he launched an application called Musically where user can do the lip sync on different various song and provided with many tools of editing,filtering features to the user to create their own video which should be of 15 second to 1 minute.
They created an application Musically only in 30 days and launched this app on 14 july 2014.
Then it started getting respond but it was not trending in the market.
But later people get attracted towards it and it user base and popularity get trend but still he was thinking to increase its trending.
So again he started thinking to make it trending,how to do? What to do?
Then once,One of the popular Chinese company named Byte Dance , purchased Musically in November 2017,with worth of 1 Billion $. This company was using the similar app called DOUTIN, After purchasing the musically,he merged Doutin with Musically and named it as tiktok.
So, nothing comes so easily you have to fight for it and most important is patience and experience,thats what all matters.