How to do "Siddhasana" -Enlightened Yoga Pose

"Siddhasana"- Enlightened Yoga Pose

The Journey of Yoga explains "Siddhasana" Yoga Pose

 Yoga Pose:  "Siddhasana".
Equipment needed:  Yoga mat.
       Target:  Groin, Hips,Shoulders, Muscles, Back pain.
"Siddhasana", is also known as accomplished pose or perfect pose.This position is for beginner level Yoga Pose. The name Siddhasana came from two different Meaning, "Siddha" which means Perfect or Accomplished, "Asana" which means Pose.

This asana is considered to be one of the 32 most important asanas by all ancient text. Siddhasana is about collecting the disperate energies and prana into the person. We know that prana flows within and outside of the body. An open palm would mean that prana which moves to the extremities too unable to returns which makes the flow unidirectional.

Practicing "Siddhasana" on regular basis may help reduce stress levels and decrease the symptoms associated with anxiety.Since "Siddhasana" requires the strict posture, You can also, make this pose more challenging by directing your energy to sitting tall and lengthening your spine.

To know more Yoga Pose Go Here

Step by Step instruction for "Siddhasana" technique

  • Sthithi (sitting) position, Being by sitting on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you, and keep your hand aside.                                                                                            
  • First, Fold your  right knees and bring it to the groin area, hold the ankle, lift it and place over the perineum while lifting carefully genitals out of harm's way. Thus the heel fit into the junction of genital and thigh.                                                                                             
  • Bend your right knees, carefully place the side of the heel over genitals, over the pubis.                                                                                                                                        
  • Make use of support of hands to the foot,so that the genitals are not crushed or damage.                                                                                                                                         
  • slowly release the hand so that foot is comfortably placed.If you feel any pain while doing it, lift  your legs away from genital very carefully.                                                              
  • Keep back  erect but relaxed,make the legs feel relax and comfortable.Then do it again, you may  feel slipping slightly and then become stable.                                               
  • Join the forefinger to the thumb to form a circle, this is called "Chin Mudra''.                               
  • Breath calmly, by  keeping the mind silently focused,From this position command your body to relax, while inhaling moving your body from bottom to top.                                                
  • Sit upright with your gaze facing forward. There should be a thick straight  line from the top of your head to the floor.                                                                                                     
  • Imagine stress leaving your body with each exhalation. While you exhale lift your right foot and keep it down gently,again do the same for the left foot.                                                 
  • Continue it till you feel comfortable, Generally  start it from 5  minutes and increase up to 15 minutes.                                                                                                                          
  • Don't try  to  achieve perfection on day 1. Make sure  your body is able to take the strain. Over time your body will be ready to supple and perfection will be achieved.                                                                             
"Siddhasana" Benefits:

  • It is one of the best meditation.                                                                                                    
  • It has the sole benefit of increasing "Brahmacharyam" and Sexual continence.                          
  • It stretches the hips,knees and ankles.                                                                                       
  • It helps in consume direct  energy from your lower body upward through the spine, which helps in upright posture, flat back.                                                                                    
  • It reduce stress level and decrease the symptoms associated with the anxiety.                                                                
  • It helps to encourage both Physical and Mental relief.                                                                     
  • It is the best asana to stabilize and to calm Nervous System.

Common Mistakes We do.

  1. Crossing the same Leg:  Performing  the "Siddhasana" , you need to change the leg you cross on top each time you hold this pose. It should not be for one side if you feel comfortable that may occur flexibility in one side than the other.                                                                                                                                    
  2. Forcing Your Knees down: If you are beginner, and you new  to  this pose, you have limitation of knees and hips. Don't force  your knees in order to touch it to the ground for the very first time. Only push your leg as far as you feel comfortable. This will help you in taking pressure off of your knees and hips.                                                                         
  3. Rounding your Upper and Lower Back: Having an upright posture with a flat back and spine is the key to success of this pose. If you have tendency to round your lower back, try to do by siting apart from the wall.

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