Feeling that,Only dreaming for something is not appropriate,As we become adult, creating a bedtime routine for adults became one of the most smartest action you can take for yourself. After all, running around your daily work may cause mental overdrive,and you will be slow down and lost in the things which matters to you the most.
One of the major benefit of having bedtime routine and following it is that, it's provision to you. Early to bed is Ok for everyone but early to rise become tough for each one of individuals.
One of the major benefit of having bedtime routine and following it is that, it's provision to you. Early to bed is Ok for everyone but early to rise become tough for each one of individuals.
Studies have sown that the common sleep disorder of the adults are Sleep apnea & Insomnia .Working everyday with same dedication and effort won't be the same,it will make us feel low just being involved in the work that may cause sleep anxiety. Stress in daily life is not a good sign irrespective to our health.To stay healthy and fit you need to have to follow proper daily routine.Just by creating bedtime routine put your body in relaxed state.And if you are relax then you will be free from stress and can think and feel happy all the day.
There is a collection of bedtime routine that i think we should maintain.Keep reading for inspiration and to create daily routine of your own.
your bedtime routine should be in order to such a way it should be easy to follow and be about taking care of yourself.
At the beginning it may be inconvenient for you as you will be changing your time, but be patient it will become easy as you will be continuing to it.
Weekend can be tricky with the social event and night activities, but it depends on your own action if you will keep it simple, the nightly rituals will pay off in major sleep dividends.
Food is of course, a great way to meet people and make friends.Whenever we order food and share a meal,obviously there will be a discussion about food which is going to be endless.
A very common piece of nutrition is to have a balanced diet. Every night before you go to bed prepare a good meal and consume it as much as its essential.
Eating late night and having alcohol before sleep can create unhealthy sleep habits and encourage weight gain. Scientific research has rapidly expanded the understanding of human nutrition,but it may make a healthy diet seem much more complicated than it is used to be.
There may be a certain food items which probably you don't like but its good for health,Try to take a good taste into one of those food items which may heal you easily rather than eating a hundred of good food.
A home-cooked meal is what many of us would like to have waiting for rather than ordering a food from outside restaurants.
Having a evening nightcap or treat could be working against you.An alcohol depressant,which can make you to lose control of your behaviour in toxic state and you will start feeling low that can fall asleep.
So,making a bedtime playlist can help you start letting go off mental stress and pressure.
Music has been used in healing ceremonies for thousands of years and across cultures.
You can literally trick your body into relaxing by syncing your heart rate with music peaceful music. Listening to music becomes form of meditation; by calmly listening to your surroundings, your blood pressure lower, heart rate slows,your anxiety abates and then life becomes peaceful song.
Want to boost your relaxation before bedtime? Make a official playlist for a sweet slumber for the best morning.
There is a collection of bedtime routine that i think we should maintain.Keep reading for inspiration and to create daily routine of your own.
10 Bedtime routine for Adults that will help you to have good sleep.
your bedtime routine should be in order to such a way it should be easy to follow and be about taking care of yourself.
At the beginning it may be inconvenient for you as you will be changing your time, but be patient it will become easy as you will be continuing to it.
Weekend can be tricky with the social event and night activities, but it depends on your own action if you will keep it simple, the nightly rituals will pay off in major sleep dividends.
1. set an Alarm to notify you in the early morning
Once you have set your bedtime routine,you should start your bedtime routine with consistent time each night.Make sure before you go to bed feel free and and have proper meal.You can set an alarm in your Android mobile app or iphone sleep timer or Alarm watch.
It will be a signal to notify you that its time to unplug and continue to your work.
It will be a signal to notify you that its time to unplug and continue to your work.
In the world of Digital India, everything is easy and possible,but only thing is required to do is your effort to do it.
2. Eat light and healthy food before go to bed
Food is of course, a great way to meet people and make friends.Whenever we order food and share a meal,obviously there will be a discussion about food which is going to be endless.
A very common piece of nutrition is to have a balanced diet. Every night before you go to bed prepare a good meal and consume it as much as its essential.
Eating late night and having alcohol before sleep can create unhealthy sleep habits and encourage weight gain. Scientific research has rapidly expanded the understanding of human nutrition,but it may make a healthy diet seem much more complicated than it is used to be.
There may be a certain food items which probably you don't like but its good for health,Try to take a good taste into one of those food items which may heal you easily rather than eating a hundred of good food.
A home-cooked meal is what many of us would like to have waiting for rather than ordering a food from outside restaurants.
Having a evening nightcap or treat could be working against you.An alcohol depressant,which can make you to lose control of your behaviour in toxic state and you will start feeling low that can fall asleep.
3. Create a pre bedtime Music Playlist
After all,getting over to all of your work you like to be relax and to be get entertained through any source like listening music, watching series,Movies,Cartoon extra. Music has the power to make you cry, give you chills,shake your body, to refresh and give you a good sleep after listening to a music.
So,making a bedtime playlist can help you start letting go off mental stress and pressure.
Psychology studies have shown that listening to music can encourage sleep and improve sleep quality. 62% of participants have reported that listening to music helps to have a good sleep.
Researchers found that study participants who listened to the music for 20 to 30 minutes before bed every night for three months fell asleep more quickly, slept more deeply, and felt better the next morning.
Researchers found that study participants who listened to the music for 20 to 30 minutes before bed every night for three months fell asleep more quickly, slept more deeply, and felt better the next morning.
Music has been used in healing ceremonies for thousands of years and across cultures.
You can literally trick your body into relaxing by syncing your heart rate with music peaceful music. Listening to music becomes form of meditation; by calmly listening to your surroundings, your blood pressure lower, heart rate slows,your anxiety abates and then life becomes peaceful song.
Want to boost your relaxation before bedtime? Make a official playlist for a sweet slumber for the best morning.
4. Lower the light and Thermostat to hibernate
I am sure you already know the benefitts of turning off the light and thermostat Turning off the light which is that you will save energy and this means saving money.
But do you know that if you are dropping down thermostat means that lowering down the temperature from 1 to 5 degrees will help you to lose weight and get a better sleep at night.
By turning off the light at night can make you feel warm under the think blanket and temperature down. Do this for a couple of nights and nest will learn this and being doing it for you.
If you lower lower your home's temperature about 5 degree or below 65 degree, you will get a better night sleep.you will suffer with a tougher night sleep when your room is too warm.
You can make things easier by investing in a Nest thermostat.This is the new,smart thermostat, that actually learns how you live and and adjust the temperature in your home accordingly.
Please take care, if you have plants or animals in your room,keep their needs in mind before you slow down the temperature.
Taking a shower bath one or two hour before bedtime, will defenately lower the body temperature and helps or encourage you in have a better or healthy sleep.
But do you know that if you are dropping down thermostat means that lowering down the temperature from 1 to 5 degrees will help you to lose weight and get a better sleep at night.
By turning off the light at night can make you feel warm under the think blanket and temperature down. Do this for a couple of nights and nest will learn this and being doing it for you.
If you lower lower your home's temperature about 5 degree or below 65 degree, you will get a better night sleep.you will suffer with a tougher night sleep when your room is too warm.
You can make things easier by investing in a Nest thermostat.This is the new,smart thermostat, that actually learns how you live and and adjust the temperature in your home accordingly.
Please take care, if you have plants or animals in your room,keep their needs in mind before you slow down the temperature.
5. Obliterate Stress in the Shower or Bath
Taking a shower bath one or two hour before bedtime, will defenately lower the body temperature and helps or encourage you in have a better or healthy sleep.
Stress over the mind after working and being busy in different schedule makes you feel low and will feel lazy, even if you have morning shower try to take a shower before you go to bed.
In the daily busy life,you are often rushed, so anyhow you have showered yourself quickly. So showering at night allows you to take your own time. as you do this you will experience the re-freshness and inner happiness in yourself.
6. Turn off electronic gadgets before going to bed
In the era of digital India, We spent our most of the time with the electronic gadgets for different various reason,Whether it may be of watching television, playing online game,working on your system/Laptop,using smartphones.
The screen of TV's, Laptop's, smartphones emits blue lights that stimulate the body's internal clock (Circadiun rhythm).
Sleep studies have shown that exposure to high amounts of blue lights can lower the melanin level's resulting a bad sleep and unwell sleep.It's recommended to shut down the screen 30 to 40 minutes before going to bed.
Try to keep the electronic gadget away from your body while you sleep.But still it has been seen if people are not getting sleep they use to watch Netflix, checking WhatsApp, Facebook,Instagram in minute to minute.
Wait for a morning to do all these, all these application is not going anywhere, it will remain in phone.
7. Reduce anxiety with To-Do list
Creating To-Do list will help your mind preventing from lots of stress and pressure just being worried about what to do?, how to do?. Preparing a To-Do list will make easy for your tomorrow's morning.
Bedtime writing is a mental dump of information that organize your future responsibility and reduce anxiety.This will help you in saving more time to do other work.
If you are up for more mental cleaning at bedtime, then a longer writing session may be in order.
8. jot down Your thoughts in Journal
It's not required to write novel in night, but you can address your thoughts and emotion that you have been holding for whole day. Journaling is good for mental health just by reducing
your mental health and stress and memorizing good things before you go to sleep.
even if you are not good at writing, write it in your own word.Fortunately, there may be a chances that you improved in writing and have got interest in writing.
Every time you write, have a cup of tea with you,later you will realize that you have written so many lines that you have never expected.
9. Relax your muscles by doing "Yoga" and "Asana"
It's an ancient time, "Yoga" and "Asana" has become the regular exercise in recent time.These simple "Yoga"poses and its regular practices will defenately furnish you a lot of benefits in your daily life.
Yoga is the best tool ever to be fit and flexible with huge benefits for your body & mind at any age or stage of the life.Studies show Yoga does everything from fighting anxiety, depression,and stress, to reduce inflammation in the body.Yoga can make migraines suck less.
Sometime our Yoga teacher is speaking a different language, which makes me to spell slightly difficult and along with that it was little tough to follow along in the beginning.But as we all know that "Practice makes man perfect".
10. Top off the night drink something Warm
Drinking a warm cup of tea or your favorite beverage can warm you up and get you in the mood for bedtime.Chamomile tea has been used for centuries to treat sleep disorders and insomnia.
You can take a glass of milk with turmeric powder that helps you to have good sleep and keep your stomach healthy and can help combat depression and inflammation, plus provide pain relief.
The herb can be purchased at the grocery store or at a local farmer’s market. Turmeric can be a little bitter, so try creating a bedtime concoction like turmeric golden milk to sweeten up the flavor.
Let's Create a bedtime routine
Creating a bedtime routine can help you unwind and close the day. Once you’ve relaxed and are ready for bed, climb onto your comfy mattress with your favorite pillow and doze off into dreamland.