What does "Going Green " Really means ? Essential ways for Students "Go Green".
College,, Ohh!. This is the dream every students who all are studying in the school. we don't realize it when we are living the moment that this is the best stage of our life.As being a students of school, we all get sucks just by doing work, assignments, various cultural activities, and Home Work. during the school ,we heard a lot about the college life. Usually, our parents motivates us by saying that, this is the time you need to focus towards your study. Later, In the college life you don't have to read much compare to as of now,So be focused. So we eagerly wait for the moment to enter in the college life. We started searching about the college life and many more with lots of curiousness inside.I know its relatively, all have gone back to that stage.But the reality is not this. The truth is very different from that. This is the stage where you come out for what you want to be in next.One of the biggest adjustment for new college students is the new found freedom. College students have an increase in personal responsibility and lots less external structure. There are no set study time, no required meal times, no one is there to tell them when to sleep and get them up, and increase in their academic workload, a greater need to be a multitask and balance a myriad of new social opportunities and challenges. This is the stage where they find there interest in what they are good at. If not they might start taking interest in something that they really love to do and become more satisfied.
The Concept of "Going Green" has become a trend recently. Everywhere you go people are talking about Going Green and how it's impact on the planet."Going Green " means to pursue knowledge and practices that can lead to more environmental friendly and ecologically responsible towards the decisions and lifestyles, which can help protect the environment and sustain its natural resources for current and future generation.From plastic bags to chemical products, People are trying to come up with new and impactful ways so that they can Go Green . Going Green is a personal choice that is embraced by individuals to contribute towards the betterment of this planet and make this place a better place to live for the future generation to come.
why is it important to Go Green?
Going Green is not Just a slogan . For some people the concept of going green is a lifestyle adjustment that encompasses every aspect of a person's lifestyle.Even though it may seem as if the impact of climate change is still far away, the planet is already suffering from existing and irreversible damage. The way we treat the planet and its natural resources can have significant on our daily lives.Even if we don't immediately notice the effects, it will have huge repercussions on the lives of future generations.If we don't manage to do that, I urge you at least to make the smallest of changes as you will be surprised by the impact it has for both you and the future generation.Large scale will require large scale rethinking of the way our whole culture and economy does its things.
Essential Ways for Students "Go Green"
Class projects:
Lets assign a going green a class project by sponsoring a Recycling competition , planting a class garden or adopting the rain-forest.
- Recycle Competition: Many of the classrooms already have recycling barrels next to the trash can, but you can arrange competition with all interested student to see which class can save the most chemical products and other recyclable items.
- Sow the seed of Garden: Use the compost to fertilize a class garden. There you can grow flowers, vegetables, trees, and let see the student sample what they grow.
- Adopt a rain-forest: Your class can adopt the rain-forest, whales, a block on your street or any other place you want to see the difference.
- Use the real plants for class pets: If your classroom has a pet turtle, lizard or fish, use real plants instead of synthetic or plastic plants. It will help you to see the changes in reality. And it's better for the greater environment as well as for us.
- Take an eco-friendly trips: Let make a plan for a trip even if it is nearby park to examine the local ecosystem without using extra gas.
- Go Green Database: First discuss with the students about ecosystem and later conduct a small seminar. Browse the database for fun eco-friendly projects that encourage awareness.
- Recycle technology: Provide each and every students a single system /computer this fall, invite your kids to join the goodwill and let them connect to this program through various website, which recycles computer and other electronic. make them to spent much time to interact with such topics.
Teachers Only:
Going Green at school isn't just about student involvement. teachers can learn how to make eco-conscious choices in the teacher's lounge and designing lesson plans too.
- Keep your grades online: Online grade books with particular username and password to access their database of all activities like assignments, portions, exams Time-Table and the Result. Invite the parents to take more active role in evaluating students performance.
- Drink Fair Trade Coffee: Introduce Fair Trade Coffee or water into a Styrofoam cup, else keep a habit of carrying own Coffee mug or glass at school, Which can be washed and reused over and over again.
- Avoid using paper/ use recycled paper: Education system is running by using a ton of notebooks and papers each year. In the world of Digital India, Its time to reduce the use of Paper for various activities. We need to avoid using much paperwork, We should make use of online platform which is even more easy than paper work. Else, using a recycled paper and then recycling all your files after the year is over all positively impact the environment.
- Make use of Power Point: Start creating a Power Point Presentations to deliver notes, photos and study guides without wasting paper.
- E-mail other teachers and administrator: If your school hasn't started yet, Try to start an e-mail only campaign that eliminates needing hard copies of substitute requests, field trip, proposals, and meetings.
Some more ways that College are Tackling
Going Green in college campus usually isn't a solitary pursuit. There are plenty of other students who have the same goals, and most colleges have begun focusing on protecting the environment when you are in college and loaded with lots of work and busy scheduled, you might not have time to always be eco-friendly or think about how to go green. however, adopting a greener approach to life doesn't have to be difficult implementing small changes to your daily routine can help protect and preserve the environment in the long run.
Some college have dorms that are dedicated to sustainability and green living, complete with rain barrels, solar panels, passive lightning and reclaimed wood.Other college spread their efforts out among all housing for instance they might not have gray water systems, but every dorms has a solar panel.
Rent, Borrow or share Bike
Bike share programs becoming more common, both on campus and off. Find out whether your school has such a program . If not, there may be another local option available, or you want to get involved in setting the wheels in motion for a bike-share initiatives.Riding a bike helps reduce Carbon emission and keeps the rider in better shape, but it can also become a productive habit."The bike-share program is practical, which gives students an incentive to use it. And then they might find that they feel good about going on bike rides.It's fun, distressing, and relaxing. It's something students might then pick up as a habit.
Pay attention to packaging bags
Not only students but also each one of say no to polythene bags and also avoid asking to the shopkeepers too. "Bring your own carry bag or just don't take a bag". Look for the product which has less packaging , which equates to less trash and less materials that will end up in a landfill to emit methane (CH4) and other pollutants.
Buy second hand
Including clothing, Students can purchase many household and everyday living goods second hand to cut down the new resource and reduce waste. When students move out at the end of the academic year, they get rid of all sorts of furniture, couches and notebooks ."All these bulky items land up in a landfill."Encourage students to divert goods to landfill." Rather than buying commonly used items brand . New students can save money and reduce waste by giving items a second life.
Amount of Water Usage
Water is a natural and precious resources. Saving a few minutes of your shower time on your regular basis, and waiting until you have a full load of a laundry to do wash are both good sustainability awareness. "Do you still leave tap on while brushing your teeth? It's a small thing, but the energy that was used to clean the water that just run down the drain. That's worth thinking about.
Take the next step towards your future with good steps. What do you think about it ? Suggest your opinion if you have.
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