Top simple "YOGA" poses that help everyone at any Age:
Although, it's an ancient practice, yoga has become the regular exercise in recent time.
These simple "Yoga"poses and its regular practices will definitely furnish you a lot of benefits in your daily life. Yoga is the best tool ever to be fit and flexible with huge benefits for your body & mind at any age or stage of the life.Studies show Yoga does everything from fighting anxiety, depression,and stress, to reduce inflammation in the body.Yoga can make migraines suck less.
These simple "Yoga"poses and its regular practices will definitely furnish you a lot of benefits in your daily life. Yoga is the best tool ever to be fit and flexible with huge benefits for your body & mind at any age or stage of the life.Studies show Yoga does everything from fighting anxiety, depression,and stress, to reduce inflammation in the body.Yoga can make migraines suck less.
Sometime our Yoga teacher is speaking a different language, which makes me to spell slightly difficult and along with that it was little tough to follow along in the beginning.
But as we all know that "Practice makes man perfect".
So,I will help you likely to do the poses that might required to you to do as of now during this lock-down period. As this vacation has Provided a good time to be mingled with our family and spent a lot of time together.So lets get together and start investing your good time in yourself.
I will now instruct you how to do and what is the benefit of doing that particular pose:
Basic Yoga Poses
1.Crow -Bakasana:
Crow Bakasana |
How to do it?
- Keep both palm on the floor.Start in downward dog position (palm pressed into mat,feet hip-width apart) and walk feet forward until knees touches your arms..
- Bend your elbows,lift heels off floor,and rest knees against the outside of your upper arms.Keep toes on floor, abs engaged and leg pressed against arms.
- The Crow yoga pose strengthens the wrist, forearms and abdomen while also stretching the hamstring. Balance is crucial for this pose.
2.King Dancer- Natarajasana
Natarajasana |
How to do it?
- Stand at one leg and bend the other leg to the top back.
- After holding other leg to the back stretch your same sided hand to the toe of your bend leg.Stretch your other hand to the straight and make your body to little lain.And now you see,you are doing the King Dancer pose.
- The King Dancer Yoga Pose strengthens your legs, improves balance and core strength, while also stretches your shoulders and improves your focus.It is one of the most graceful asana.
3.Sleeping Vishnu Pose
Sleeping Vishnu Pose |
Anantasana is one of the many nickname of the famous Hindu God, Lord Vishnu.Lord Vishnu rested on this serpent during his stay at the bottom of the primordial ocean.
How to do it?
- Ananatasana stretches both the upper and lower body.
- One must lift their legs up with the support of their hands to ensure proper stretching of different parts of the body,,i.e hips,hamstring,pelvic floor muscles and groin muscles.
- Anantasana results in reducing fat around your tummy,legs, hips and chest area. It also improves blood circulation.
- This pose also helps to relieve the symptoms of period and menopause. The stretching and Opening of hips combined with pelvic floor muscle exercise can prove to be quite beneficial for females.
4.Seated Twist(Bharadvajasana)
How to do it?
- Sit on the floor wit your legs extended.
- Cross right/left foot over outside of right/left thigh;bend right/left knee.Keep right knee pointed toward ceiling.Place left elbow to the outside of knee and right hand on the floor back to you.
- Twist your leg as close as you can,moving from your abdomen; Both sides of your butt should touch to the floor.
- It Relieves backaches, sciatica, and menstrual discomfort.
- And stretches the upper body.
- It also improves the digestion and processing of the liver and kidney.
5.King Pigeon Pose: Eka Pada rajakapotasana
How to do it?
- One -legged King Pigeon pose is a deep backbend that puffs the chest,making a yogi resemble a pigeon.
- Slip a small loop over the back-foot,left foot is extended back and tighten the strap around the ball of foot. make sure buckle is against the sole of foot.
- Do the leg position,and lay the strap on the floor along side the left leg.
- bend the left knee and grasp the strap with the left hand.Swing that arm up and over your head,and then reach back to the right hand. hold the strap in both hands.
- Stretches the thighs,groin and psaos, abdomen, chest and shoulder and neck.
- Stimulate the abdominal organs.
- Circulate your Shoulder and chest part.
6.Plough Pose: Halasana
How to do it?
- Lie on your back with your upper back,your head restiong on the mat.As you exhale,Press your arms into the floor.Inhale and lift your legs over your head towards the floor.Stretch out through hills.
- Keep your chin slightly up and place your hand on your lower back for support.
- keep the spine long, tailbone reaching to the ceiling,hips over your shoulders.
- Keeps calm the mind and reduces the stress.
- Stretch the spine,shoulders, and back of the legs.
- Opens the upper back and chest.
- Stimulate the abdominal organs.
- Balance the thyroid gland.
How to do it?
- Be in a kneeling position with your hips stacked over your knees.
- Place your palm against your low back, Bringing your elbows towards the center of your back.
- Begin to gently press your hips forward as you lift from the chest.
- Now touch your palm to the down of your leg and hold it for sometime.
- Camel pose will help to lower your anger.
- This pose is a big heart opener.
- Heart opener activates a open heart chakra, inviting in and sending out love.
9.Janu Sirsasana
How to do it?
- Sit on the floor with the one leg straight to one side, and fold the other leg next to the other leg as shown in picture above.
- Inhale, And bend bend your right knee,and draw the heel back toward your perineum.
- Rest your right feet sole slightly against your inner left thigh and lay the outer right leg to the floor, with the shin at a right angle to the left leg.
How to do it?
- Stand straight on the floor and arms by your side.
- While inhaling bend your right leg backward and hold with your right ankle with right hand.
- Try to move your right leg upward as much as you can.
- Strengthens legs,hips, ankle and chest.
- Help to reduce weight.
- Improve your posture and balance .
- Improve digestive system.
- good for improving concentration..
Intermediate Yoga pose:
This gravity defying yoga pose may look easy but when you do, you need to have balance,concentration and stability.Body balance on tippy toes,had to find and align yourself with the center of being you.Ofcourse, initially keep falling off, But keep trying at last you will be finding close enough to it.
Some yoga poses You need to do is:
So,What are you waiting for? Let's start doing something new,that brings changes in you.
Great, how flexible ypu are, its amazing.