How CoronaVirus came into an existance? How to do Self-isolation?

Coronavirus  Outbreak:

  • A new Study found the virus may have originated in bats and then spread to humans via a snake or pangolin.  
  • The coronavirus originated in wuhan, China, is a baffling experts searching for the source. Since the virus is concidered novel, it's a type of virus that has never been encountered before.
  • Coronavirus are named for their crown like shape, and were first identified in the mid-1960.the virus typically causes respiratory illness like the common cold and fever.

What cause Coronavirus?

During the nation is adressed,Honourable Prime minister made a clear announcement  that only key workers or community support should be portable to the work and people may go out only for the fundamental needs,like going to grocery  store that mainly sell fruits and vegetables and different kind of ingredients that is being used in  the kitchen to cook.or to get medicines and prescriptions as needed. Although, this should also be done in a sequence manner where you need to maintain a distance to the people around there.
The daily news has acknowledged that many more people will die in this crisis. As the  lockdown is done, the entire country is expected to take part in this revolt. The only symptoms of the coronavirus are being asked to self-isolate,which has been seen as one of the major technique to prtect yourself and the societies as well.

What is Self-isolation?
Self-isolation is when you are sick with symptoms of COVID-19 that means you need to stay home and avoiding situations where you could come in contact with the people surrounding you.You may have been wide open to the virus  and are risk for spreading COVID-19 and passing it to the others by coming in contact with them.

Coronavirus has been found one of the serious disease as of now. At this stage you should crub the spread of disease by isolating ourselves.Individuals should self-isolalate  they have symptoms suggestive of COVID-19.

How do I know if I have Corona?

Coronavirus symptoms: 
Its symptoms is as usual as normal disease:
  • Day 1-3
     - Run a fever
     - Mild sore throat
  • Day 4
        -Sore throat
        -Body temperature increases
     - Have headache
     - Have diarrhea
     Being anorexia
  • Day 5 
      - Expensive fatigue
      - Muscle pain
      - Dry cough
  • Day 6
      - Mild fever, about 30*C
      - Productive cough or dry cough
      - Difficult in breathing or vomiting 

  • Day 7
      - High  fever,(from 37-38*C)
      - Cough and have more sputum
      - Body aches and pain
      - Vomiting and diareah
  • Day 8-9
      - Messy fever
      - Cough get worse
      - Difficulty breathing
      - Symptoms get worse


Medical experts had claimed that skin rashes could  be the another symptoms of coronavirus infection.It has been found when a women who contracted coronavirus started developing rashes on her feet.
Now the latest update reveals that several chills, repeated shaking with chills, Muscle pain,,headache,sore throat,and new loss of taste or smell are also symptoms of coronavirus.

Coronavirus:How to Self-isolate

1. Stay at home.
It sounds evident, but don't even think to go out of your home except to have medical precautions.Try to avoid visiting your friends and relatives house. As per the situation,say no to visitors. Be in touch with your friends,colleague and relatives over phone through any source of communicative application.If possible try to do online shopping  for grocery,water and other necessities.But at the same time you need to make sure that delivery instructions say that items should be left out and also the person should not have effected from such symptoms of CIOVID-19. 

2. Hand washing
Everytime you do something wash your hands often neatly by using hand wsah gel or soap and water, for 25 seconds and then rinse and dry throughly. Make use of Sanetizer by applying it over hands. Avoid touching your eyes,nose and mouth unnecessarily with unwashed hands. Don't touch the things unnecessarily when its not required.

3. Seperate yorself from others.
Try to stay at home in your room idealy without coming in contact with the others with the door closed that has window to the outside that you can open for refreshing yourself. As you are staying at home you need to be careful for the thing that you used at home. Don't share your personal things to

others like clothes,Towels,bedding,sunglasses,Handkerchief etc. Try to keep your used clothes in plastic bag aside, and wash it at home instesd of giving to Laundry.Don't let anything launderette. If you are washing your clothes at home,make use of temperature of atleast 60 degree Celcius.

4Disposal of Tissue and waste after you cough and sneeze.
Whenever you sneeze or cough try to cover your face with tissue and later dispose them into a plastic bag,Immediately wash your hand with soap and water for 20 sec and dry it softly. Try to make use of mask while going outside. And the most important thing don't use the same mask for long time,if u feel itching or burning by wearing the same mask kindly change it and dispose the usable mask at the same time.

5. Stop being social.
we need to focus our attenrtion to  get out of this pandemic. If we are don't, there could be a serioous consequences for social welfare and stability. It is vital role of us to choose strategies that can help the societies to reform in its own state by making use of the time we have gained by locking down billion of people in about 40 countries.If you are so curious to do something that were not possible to do in your life because of the  busy schedule, this is the time to create and to show it to the world. Maintaining the social distance is the only solution to reduce the positive cases of COVID-19.

The whole world is in crisis due to corona virus infection. In such situation India has set aprecedent in front of the whole world and has so far fought against COVID-19. At last PM Modi's decision to lockdown pleasing to the whole world to prevent the infection of corona virus in their country.

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