The Journey of yoga Explains Basic yoga pose for beginners
1. Savasana(Corpse Pose)
As Yoga has become modern exercise which shown it's own benefits to the physical and mental endeavors. The art of relaxation is harder than it looks. We all may have that art by enduring our body to some limit.
This is one of the basic pose that any beginner can do it. Most important this pose will let you know how to sleep better during sleeping time.
Step by step Instruction:
- Come on the yoga mat or on the floor.
- Simply lie on the mat.
- Now open your both leg straight to the outside as both the leg should parallely and close.
- Spread your both the arm on the floor side by your thighs.
- Open your palm and spread it on the floor.
- Look or mak a concentrate at one point and take a deep breath and exhale it.
- Do it for 10 to 15 times.
- It provides a better sleeping position.
- It helps to release the stress.
- It makes your body and mind to relax as well being.
- "Shavasana" helps in reducing heart beat and blood pressure.
- It provides deep relaxation and, reduce the metabolic rate and reduce anxiety.
2. Ananda Balasana
- The name Ananda means "Blissful" Bala means "Baby" Asana means "Pose. So Ananda Balasana Pose is also called "Happy Baby Pose".
- This is basic level of asana. This asana is very effective for baby as it has a positive impact on the body.
- Before you do this asana make sure that your stomach are empty. You need to keep a gap of at least 4 to 6 hours between your meal and work-out.
To know in detail about Benefits of Ananda Balasan click here:
3. Balasana
Child Pose is also known as "Balasana". Balasana means Bala refers "Child" And Asana refers "Pose". It is basic pose which you can do early morning at your bed also. Child Pose is one of the gentle resting pose which helps you to stretches thighs, low back, hips, knees and ankle. @TheJourneyofYogaAsana
The menstruation cycle is very delicate. You may be the one who can be in any of the state. After working whole day, travelling,stressed and doing ups and down you might feel low so you understand better to avoid it.
To know in detail about Benefits of Balasan click here:
4. Chair Pose:
To know in detail about Benefits of Chair Pose click here:
5. Eagle Pose:
To know in detail about Benefits of Eagle Pose click here:
3. Balasana
Child Pose is also known as "Balasana". Balasana means Bala refers "Child" And Asana refers "Pose". It is basic pose which you can do early morning at your bed also. Child Pose is one of the gentle resting pose which helps you to stretches thighs, low back, hips, knees and ankle. @TheJourneyofYogaAsana
The menstruation cycle is very delicate. You may be the one who can be in any of the state. After working whole day, travelling,stressed and doing ups and down you might feel low so you understand better to avoid it.
To know in detail about Benefits of Balasan click here:
4. Chair Pose:
It is the most intensely powerful pose. This pose strengthen the muscles of the thighs, legs and arms.It builds willpower on the body and the mind.
Being a beginner it isn't easy to stretch out out the body,but regular practice was enough to fabricate my body on the Yoga mat. Into every session of Half an hour, i had fallen multiple times, felt pain, sweaty, and had almost made my mind-Not to give up.
Being a beginner it isn't easy to stretch out out the body,but regular practice was enough to fabricate my body on the Yoga mat. Into every session of Half an hour, i had fallen multiple times, felt pain, sweaty, and had almost made my mind-Not to give up.
This yoga is beneficial for those who is suffering from conditions, such as chronic pain, carpal tunnel syndrome.
5. Eagle Pose:
Garudasana name is usually comes from, Garuda" The king of birds" asana means "Pose". Garuda word was originally identified with" all the consuming power of god's rays".In english this pose is rendered as "Eagle Pose".
To know in detail about Benefits of Eagle Pose click here: